We started celebrating the Eucharist every Sunday a few years ago (if you want to transform the spirit of your community of faith you "people called Methodists," stop messing around and embrace "The Duty of Constant Communion," now!)
The sacrament defines our community.
The table around which we gather is an outward and visible sign of who the St. John's community is while casting the vision and challenge of who we are to become.
As we moved toward weekly observance, I asked my ministry partner, John, to compose a Great Thanksgiving for the St. John's community of faith. John's way with words, being the lyricist that he is, left me confident that the product of his work would be a gift to St. John's for years to come.
And so it is. This eucharistic prayer is purely John as it is Wesleyan. As such it cannot belong to St. John's alone, it belongs to all of us who gather around the table of Grace.
So here it is. I invite my clergy family to embrace this setting and use it as you preside the Table in your communities of faith.
Thank you John.
Thank you God for John.
Heart-shaped Bread
Rev'd Dr. John Kilzer, Minister of Recovery Ministries
St. John’s United Methodist Church, Memphis, Tennessee
Peace be with you.
And also with you.
What? with our hearts?
We lift them up to the Lord.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
It is right, and wrapped in joy,
God of this moment in eternity,
to offer our hearts to you in thanksgiving,
hearts carved in your image and beating with the breath of life.
We tried to run: we tried to hide.
But everywhere we turned you were there.
We were restless till we rested in you,
God of covenant and grace,
of prophetic fire,
wind and water.
We are yours.
What else can we do now
other than join your company of heaven in their unending hymn
Holy holy holy Lord, God of power and might.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!
Lord what we know of holiness we find in your blessed Son Jesus Christ,
upon whom lighted your love-shaped dove.
He fed the poor: he led the captive free. He said to the blind: "See!"
He was at home with sinners.
His suffering, death and resurrection birthed your church,
offering us asylum from sin and death
and promising us a home in the mansion of your heart.
On the night it all happened,
with one hand touching his heart,
the other offering bread,
He gave himself to his disciples saying:
“Partake of this: remember me eternally:
put me back together as the church.”
Afterward, He took the cup and said;
“Drink: I am the wine of remembrance.
What flows from me now flows through you.”
So: Remember,
give thanks always,
praise, and pray,
as we proclaim the mystery of faith:
Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.
Breathe on us God.
Make these bones and blood be the church,
Christ’s body in the world.
And as you are Three in One,
Make us one in the world,
as we tabernacle with those
whose hearts are hardened,
that our love may leaven the loaves at your heavenly banquet.
With You, through You, from You to You,
God of glory, worthy to be praised,
now and through eternity,
we all, with one heart, one voice, one spirit, and one love, say
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