Sunday, November 07, 2010

Pilgrimage: Day 1

My "big ol' jet airliner" landed in Tel Aviv around 4:30 p.m. local time. Our group - those who flew with us joined up with those who came early.

A short walk brought us to the water's edge where Micah lead us in the service ended the Sabbath. It was a thing full of beauty and hope.

First day take away was that. Hope in the face of conflict. Hope found in coming home. Zeal for life to be celebrated always---let everything

that breathes praise the Lord!

We walked the streets of Tel Aviv to the Goshen Restaurant. A great banquet. Our guide, Jonathan, who lives outside of Bethlehem shares his life and world view.

A good start.

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Saturday, November 06, 2010

In Route

Ok. Before going too far into this, let me just say that Delta Elite Business Class does not suck. Thanks, Shirley, and thank you, friends of Tiger Bookstore.

Within the hour we'll enter Israeli airspace.

Fellow pilgrims on our flight-
Rick and Jane Kirchoff
Stacy and Rhonda Spencer
Keith and Shelia Norman
Andy and Sybil McBeth
Sheryl Greenstein

We meet up with the crew in Tel Aviv. Settle in. And then begin.

First impressions of trip so far. It's a pretty selfish one. Amazing that you have to cross the globe to have time with your spouse.

It's the nature of our lives. Two jobs that are constantly before us, even at home. 3 children with all their interactions and demands.

Just us? I've got my girl again. This may be reason enough for the journey.

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